Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Welcome to The Scene Kidz

Haha like the title says...Welcome.... I Created this for those who wanna know the difference between wannabee's, Emos, Preps, and Scenes... Like for example the things some kidz wear you can definitely tell. Like A Prep usually wears Tanktops and Shorts. Wannabees wear Skinnies and Bright Baggy tops. Emos wear Skinnies and Band t-shirts. And Scenes are Creative they are the inventor of styles... The Feathers that everyone "needs" were first worn by scene Girls. and tutu's were brought to style by scene girls.. and a definite way to spot a fake is if they dress like this.... All Scene Girls invent there own style not just follow what Audrey Kitching was wearing last week. They Like to be fun and creative and many scene Girls who you admire ARE FAKE! Many Girls just buy the look they use extensions and sharpies Which is Not what being scene is about! take Jeffree Star For Example. He Dies his Hair these Colors he doesn't just buy a can of spray in wild colors He Takes the risk for true beauty! soo First if you EVER wanna bee a scene Dont buy the image! Create it! Being yourself is what Being scene is all about! Checkerboard Hair, Cheetah print hair, and Coon Tails Where Great when Somebody had a great idea but when another person does it.. then another, and another, and another, until half of america has it just creates more Wannabees! well Thanks for reading my babblings of the day! Love you! -Linzz!

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